May 04, 2022
What is Fair Trade?
Fair trade aims to create a safer, more equitable and dignified work environment in which ethical and sustainable products can be sourced, and artisans empowered. Fair trade gives consumers the opportunity to vote with their dollars and support businesses that promote their ideals and principles.
What does Fair Trade mean to Project Have Hope?
As a proud member of the Fair Trade Federation since 2010, Project Have Hope is committed to fair trade principles. Fair trade enables the artisans with whom we work to showcase their skills, retain cultural identity, earn a fair wage and gain opportunities. Not only do we pay above market price for the crafts they produce, we offer additional opportunities to enable the artisans to secure financial stability and access education. As displaced refugees, many of our artisans have grown up with little security. The threat of LRA rebels during the civil war in Northern Uganda forced them to flee their homes and their agricultural existence known for generations, and to only find safety within the confines of an urban slum. Through the work of Project Have Hope, these artisans have regained financial autonomy and their children have greater opportunities to break free of the shackles of poverty.
Does my purchase really make a difference?
Yes! Emphatically, yes! Your purchase makes it possible for artisans to feed their families, educate their children, build homes and create a brighter future. The wage earned for 12 necklaces or 25 bracelets is enough for an artisan to pay rent for one entire month! The bigger impact is the power of your dollar. As consumers demand transparency about who makes their products and the conditions faced by those workers face, companies are forced to make changes and adopt fairer practices.
Who’s on the naughty list?
Ethical Consumer has created a list of some of the least ethical companies. Read more:
Who’s on the nice list?
Do you want to learn more about Fair Trade?
Interested in reading what other Fair Traders have to say?
Dunitz Fair Trade has compiled a list of FTF Member blogs