Women Sponsorship | About

Project Have Hope helps women in the Acholi Quarter gain economic independence through various programs. One of these programs is a Women Sponsorship Program. This sponsorship program invites individuals from anywhere in the world to sign up to provide a monthly contribution of $25/month for one year to one of a select few women eligible to receive a loan through Project Have Hope. Through this sponsorship program, a woman receives funds to be able to invest in her future. And a sponsor gains a personal connection with one of the many resilient and talented entrepreneurs in the Project Have Hope Community.

Why Sponsor a Woman Through Project Have Hope?

The Acholi women living in the Acholi Quarter face many hardships that have disrupted health, economic opportunity, and family units. Displaced from homeland and territory (Northern Uganda), many of the Acholi women living in the Acholi Quarter must find new ways to support family and recover from various forms of brutality and loss experienced during the tumultuous recent history of Uganda. Project Have Hope has established a history of effective programming and commitment to the people of the Acholi Quarter. Through a variety of initiatives, over 1500 individuals have been reached, many with new hope of supporting family, attaining an education, recovering their cultural identity, and finding healthy channels for a resilient nature and many skills.

How the Women Sponsorship Program Works

  • Complete the Sponsorship form, agree to terms, and provide payment.
  • Sponsors are paired with one of the women listed.
  • Sponsor receives a Sponsorship Welcome Packet by mail.
  • Sponsor receives updates every three months by email.
  • Sponsor receives notice of years end by email and mail.
  • Sponsor can send a note to the woman being sponsored any time. This is done by providing note and optional picture to info@projecthavehope.org.


Meet the Women