You may have heard the phrase, “Every time we make a purchase, we’re casting a vote for the world in which we want to live.”
Well, that phrase rings true for us. We believe that we each have the power to enact a positive change for the world every time we open our wallets or tap a credit card.
For more than 19 years, Project Have Hope has been making a positive impact in Uganda’s Acholi Quarter, uplifting a community displaced by war and forced into poverty.
Doesn't every child deserve the opportunity to receive an education? Doesn't every child deserve the right to gain skills that will help them build a successful future? Doesn't every child deserve a future with hope?
For just $12.50 a month, you can help a child in Uganda go to school and build a hopeful future.
"I think big!" gushes Eric. "I want to be the best designer ever!"
His goals aren’t limited to fashioning clothes, but to every aspect of design. With unbridled ambition, a strong work ethic and passion, this 22 year old is unstoppable.
Thanks to Project Have Hope's scholastic sponsorship program, Eric had the opportunity to pursue a course in fashion and design, and is currently employed by a company that manufactures clothes for government contracts.
Eric’s passion for design was ignited when he was 17 years old. His uniform was too big and ill-fitting. He was determined to fix it. “ ‘Let me try,’ ” he recalls saying to himself as he sat behind a sewing machine for the first time to adjust his uniform. “From that day, I loved tailoring.